So I am feeling bored, like everyone else that too with a poor internet connection. Writing a blog post is fairly good time killer as well as a nice way to empty your mind.

Like everything, life happened. 2019 was a pretty good year for me. I got the chance to work on a feature I requested 5 years back. Stepped out of the country. Met a bunch of awesome people. Took a poster session in one of biggest conferences in India. Learned a lot of new things which would defnitely help me. Biggest of them all is that I found something which I loved to do.

But for now I can't say the same for 2020. As I am approaching my graduation, I started looking for a job from last November. Unfortunately and apparently none of the Indian companies, I applied to, did reply, which I doubt that my resume since devoid of trending keywords might haven't made past their Applicant Tracking System.

Luckily browsing reddit I found a couple of companies based at Amsterdam hiring Junior C++ developers. Though I fucked up the interview real bad for the first one, I was able push a good impression to the second one. How did I fuck up the first interview? That was easy being the first ever interview I was having, no idea what type of questions were the people going to ask, didn't even prepare. I was bound to fail.

The second one went really good, since I now knew what things do the interviewer expects from me. They even skipped the call with HR and invited me for an onsite interview in their Amsterdam office. That's so nice, until the crown prince of viruses COVID-19 decided to show up. Everything is postponed indefintiely now, it sucks more that my hotel bookings are non refundable and I won't get my money back.

Also again thanks to Mr. COVID, I couldn't meet my favorite set of people this year. The only positive thing I had in till now. And most probably I am going to spent my summer doing nothing. Though I have applied for GSoC, it is highly unlikely to get a slot now, given that due to quarantine, the number of applications have increased.

Oh in the middle, I also asked Boud if he would be hiring me for Krita. Who knows what I was thinking that time. Krita was something I contributed for the fun of contributing. Adding deadlines would just ruin all the fun, also not having the independence to work on anything I would like is a big bummer. Probably peer pressure of getting a job? But Boud was the one who put this thought in me in the first place. If you are reading this Boud, do you remember when I asked if I can put GSoC as a paid employment in my resume in the middle of some random conversation?

Anyway, things will get defnitely better, if I had given up when I got a big round zero in INOI (Indian National Olympiad in Informatics), I wouldn't have been here.