This is retrospection time. And to ponder where I am going wrong. If I can bash others, I can bash myself too.

The first thing which I can feel is folks have a lot of trouble while working with me. I have see it happening more than a couple of times. So chances are the problem is in me rather than them.

Which brings me to the question why am I hard to work with in the first place? During Adrian remarked that I have a lot of opinions. Everyone has opinions, I am not different, where lies issue then? Well, strong opinions, opinions which can't be changed. I am well aware of this issue but to be honest, it is a bit hard to mend it, unless someone keeps reminding me about it. Though I am ready to change my opinion if someone gives a good reason to change it.

Second which I can think of is jumping to conclusions without proper reasoning. I have done it many times, I know for which I did apologize later but the damage was done. That I really feel bad about, I do need to remind myself to take things slowly, time is not running out, life is not a race.

Third would defnitely be my ability to churn out good code. I would say this is a Work in Progress, no one is born expert. Someday I would be able to write code like a boss.

I have a couple of unfinished patches, the last major feature I have worked on still has problems, I have pushed patches without reviewing them myself. The last one is more or less a bit more problem with the GitLab workflow, though it was avoidable if I had paid a bit more attention.

Conclusions would be I am bit too adamant to work with and that doesn't go well with poor skills, pfft.

Though it is pretty late to make a new year resolution post, but if I had made one it would be,

  • Let my opinions go, be flexible and trust others.
  • Take things slowly, don't be quick to judge someone.

Apologies to everyone, who had to bear me, I know this is a bit late but better be late than never, :)